Rep. Towns' Statement on UN Human Rights Council Passage of Historic Gay Rights Resolution


By: Ed Towns
By: Ed Towns
Date: June 17, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Towns issued the following statement today, commending the United Nations Human Rights Council for the passage of a historic gay rights resolution. The resolution drafted by South Africa seeks equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, and was passed in large part due to American support of the resolution.

"I applaud the United Nations Human Rights Council for the recent passage of the resolution supporting equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation. The passage of this resolution marks a historic moment in the fight for gay rights as it signifies the beginning of a global conversation regarding the establishment and protection of equal rights for people of all sexual orientation.

"Furthermore, this resolution brings the issue of gay rights to the forefront of international politics, and places it directly on the United Nations agenda going forward. It discusses the violence and discrimination endured by people of the LGBTQ persuasion throughout the world, and condemns this norm by recognizing the universal nature of human rights.

"It is my sincere hope and belief that the passage of this resolution will spark an international dialogue resulting in the establishment of equal rights and protection for members of the LGBTQ community throughout the world."
